Friday, January 8, 2010

Inspiration Injection and Window of Opportunity!

Yesterday we met with some wonderful individuals that have started an organisation called Industries for Africa. The goal of the Industries for Africa Foundation is to aid the people in Africa in building the sustainable industrial infrastructure that they so desperately need. With the hard work and dedication of our patrons this goal can be reached in an entirely feasible way. It will begin with the production of 100 plantations, roughly 50 square kilometers each. These plantations will be used for the harvesting of the Jatropha nuts, which, while inedible, provide by-products that can be used in a variety of incredibly beneficial ways. These nuts can be harvested for up to 30 years and are comprised of around 38% oil. This oil is in turn refined for the creation of bio-diesel. Any remnants of the Jatropha nuts after the refining process are pressed into pellets which, when burned, create energy.

While it is the purpose of their organization to create the foundation of this industry, it will be the responsibility of the local citizens to carry on with it. Locals will be trained to proficiently perform any and all of the tasks required in order to keep this project running successfully for years to come. The plan is not to support the people of Africa financially but rather through a strong support system that revolves around the transference of knowledge. It is with your help accompanied by the generosity of others that we hope to achieve this goal and give the people of Africa the fighting chance they deserve.

Afriversity and Industries for Africa will work together to provide these individuals with the training and support they need to create a sustainable business.

Please meet our new friends and see if you can help:

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