Friday, December 24, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Season Greetings from Afriversity!

Dear Afriversity Friends and Family,

Please take a few minutes to watch our Christmas Greeting and Appeal for Sponsorship.

If you are interested in sponsoring Afriversity please contact us at

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy New Year!

Love from the Afriversity Team

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A little reading for our Swedish friends

On the 20th October, Afriversity CEO Thorgeir Einarsson was invited to speak at the annual Skandinaviens Enskilda Bank( SEB) charity convention, featuring some Sweden´s largest corporations, charities and foundations.

The function´s aim was to help deepen the dialogue on how different actors in society can cooperate and work together in addressing urgent global challenges while upholding Corporate Social Responsibility. Of course, Thorgeir was a great success and SEB decided to feature his story in their latest newsletter. 

The article is in Swedish only

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Afriversity debuts in Estonia!

Afriversity CEO and Founder, Thorgeir Einarsson has been invited by Tarvo Tamm, Managing Director of Connect Estonia to present Afriversity to its members at their annual Christmas event on December 16th. Connect Estonia has chosen Africa as their focus this year and aim to explore the entrepreneurial potential that exists in the continent.

Other speakers will include Danish entrepreneur Kresten Buch who will share his experience of doing business in Kenya and will also give an overview of start-up event IPO48, the boot-camp-style initiative which received a lot of local and international attention and resulted in the birth of some very exciting new businesses.

For more information on Connect Estonia go to


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our inspiration today!

Gosh it isn´t even lunch time and I already feel so inspired. I just finished a call with Gina Levy, Founder of, a wonderful multi-media, online, Citizen-Generated News & Idea Network located in Cape Town, South Africa.

A few months ago, I uploaded the Afriversity video to their website and Gina took immediate interest in the project, so much so that she decided to attend Afriversity´s networking event in November. When I spoke to her today, she said that she didn´t know what to expect but she left the seminar feeling inspired and humbled. She agreed with us that these are the stories that need to be told...the stories that will help inspire and communicate the amazing potential that this continental has to offer. 
These are the stories that give us strength, increase awareness, influence new ways of thinking and give us HOPE!

So now Gina and I are working on a strategy to work together and do some wonderful things. I am soooo exciting and feeling full of energy and purpose. So I am going to leave you with this little video as a mini introduction to Supernews. 

And remember to watch this space!
<3 Natasha

Population growth explained with IKEA boxes

Explaining population growth requires simplification, but not oversimplification.

In this TED video, Hans Rosling explains why ending poverty – over the coming decades – is crucial to stop population growth. Only by raising the living standards of the poorest, in an environmentally-friendly way, will population growth stop at 9 billion people in 2050.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wealthy South Africans generous!

Wealthy South Africans are the second most generous nation when it comes to giving money, and rank fourth in volunteering their time to worthy causes, according to a report.

“South Africa was found to be the second most financially generous nation behind the United States, and when it came to measuring which nations were the most generous in giving of their time, South Africa ranked fourth behind list-topping Ireland,” said Absa Wealth in a statement on Tuesday. 

Read the Full story here:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let the children play - Help Shana with her toydrive!

Feed your heart this festive season. You know how good it feels to do something good, so go oh, help out this year by giving to Toy Drive. We are passionate about happiness and helping children who have no families to support them. BUT at the end of the day, a child, no matter what.. 

Afriversity participant, Shana Kay has started a project called The TOY DRIVE which is aimed at raising toys for Hospital play areas, orphanages and charities with a youth focus.

She started the TOY DRIVE as a way to help those who would like to give back to society, but not sure how. Being a frequent visitor at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital as a child due to Epilepsy (which she has since outgrown), this is one of the ways she gives back.
How can you help? Easy, attend, drop a toy or some cash, have fun and that’s it. Should you choose to participate in the delivery, let me know. Else, your part is simple and you get to have some fun.

Annual Toy Drive is set to be loads more fun this year. Get involved today!